Clinical Trials of Texas News

Check out the latest news and industry insights from the CTT team. Learn more about clinical trial testing trends and why precise execution is critical.

Is this a Senior Moment?

July 11, 2023
Dr. Verghese of Flourish Research in Philadelphia, discusses the differences between a “senior moment” and what could be early signs of Alzheimer’s Disease.
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Surfer’s Eye (Pterygium)

July 6, 2023
Barbara Corral, DNP, MSN, MA, FNP-BC, Principal Investigator with Clinical Trials of Texas discusses an ophthalmologic condition known as “surfer’s eye”.
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Clinical Trials of Texas LOVES our Seniors!

March 27, 2023
Join us at the San Antonio Botanical Garden for a day of fun, refreshments,health screenings & more. Helping you focus on staying healthy is a top priority in serving our community. Don’t miss out!
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Clinical Trials of Texas LOVES our Seniors!

Join us at the San Antonio Botanical Garden for a day of fun, refreshments,health screenings & more.

Helping you focus on staying healthy is a top priority in serving our community. Don’t miss out!

Watch Now: Dr. Denham with 4 Tips To Keep Us On Track In The New Year

Staying on track and keeping healthy doesn’t have to be a daunting task. Dr. Denham gives us 4 great tips to keep us on track and healthy in the new year and beyond.

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